New LCC Administrator joins the team to enhance locum services

1 Oct 2024

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Debra Harper, Head of LCC, welcomes Yvonne Colverson as the new LCC Administrator, highlighting her extensive experience and enthusiasm in supporting councils and clerks through the locum service.

Debra was delighted to welcome Yvonne to the LCC team in June, which followed Kate Shlusar’s move into the full time role of PA to Chief Executive and Office Manager. We were sorry to see Kate move away from LCC, but equally pleased to have Yvonne join us, and many will know her already from other roles within SLCC.

On joining the team Yvonne said: “I am absolutely delighted to be looking after the administration of the LCC locum service. I have been a clerk for nearly 18 years, during which time I have worked in several councils, including very small parish councils to larger town councils. I have also worked as a locum with the LCC so understand the challenges this can bring, both to the clerk and the council.

“I am now the first point of contact for councils needing a locum and clerks wishing to join our locum team, and getting the right person assigned to a council in need of support gives me a great
deal of job satisfaction.”

Yvonne joins fellow team member Angela Meek, LCC Officer, who is responsible for managing all aspects of the consultancy work and commented on Yvonne becoming part of the team: “It’s wonderful to have Yvonne on board. She’s a great asset to the team both for her experience of the local council sector and as a former locum herself. It’s such a benefit having an insight into the needs and challenges that face clerks and councils we support.

“My own time at LCC started nearly three years ago, which I can hardly believe as the time has flown by! It has been a highly rewarding experience supporting councils throughout England and Wales, never knowing which part of the country a clerk will be contacting me from next and then working with our associates to develop bespoke projects for councils, assisting them in delivering and improving services to their local communities.”

“The wide geographical spread of the team, being based as we are in Northumberland, Yorkshire and Northamptonshire, brings a wide knowledge of different areas, and we certainly prove that
remote, agile working is not only possible but can be done successfully.”

“It has been a busy and exciting time over recent months as the team has met at SLCC’s head office in Somerset to plan for the future and continues to work with associates, locums and colleagues to develop new services, particularly in the area of internal auditing following the introduction of the SLCC Principals of Internal Auditing Local Councils (PIALC) course, and in the area of carbon literacy. There is much to look forward to.”